Swapan dewan is the founder and Managing Director of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. The company registration from 29th March 2017,but before that the company name was known as M/S.SHIFAT STEEL CO. registration from January 2009, actually this company starts their business since January 2009, according to the rules of Bangladesh Government. SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD Is doing business not only in Bangladesh but also all countries around the world. SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD also a big agent of DOLLER STEEL CO. LTD. in South Korea.The company imports plain sheet & coil such as PPGI, GI, EGI, GA, CR, HR,ETP sheet & coil as well as other machineries item and supplies to customer according to their demand. Shifat steel maintains a reputed relation with all the suppliers. Shifat steel mostly imports from South korea, Japan, USA, Canada, Thailand, Russia, Mexico, Malayasia.
Shifat steel gives highest priority on client satisfaction. It opens L/C as per commitment. Neither from home nor from abroad, supplier has complains regarding L/C or payment. An experienced team is working for Shifat Steel Co. Ltd. who provides the maximum priority on marketing and management. Swapan dewan always tries to make the clients happy. He cannot feel happy until clients become happy. As per official planning, Shifat Steel Co. Ltd. Will maintain its business as a Limited company.
If you want to know anything more than please feel free to contact us by mailing to swapan.shifatsteel@gmail.com
Thanking you
Amina Akter Shova is the Director of a registered company in SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. since 2017. As a director she lookafter the shifat steel co. Ltd. all the staffs attendance and administration management.
Thanking you
Amina Akter Shova
Muhammad Sazzad Hossain Khandaker is the General Manager of Shifat Steel Co. Ltd. since 2018. He has completed his Honor's Degree in Accounting & Masters Degree in Accounting from Kabi Nazrul Goverment College under National University, Bangladesh. He has also completed Higher Diploma in computer science from National Youth and Technical Training Center. He is very good person and very honest man. He is working in our company very well . He is very energetic and wonderful talented person in our company.We always wish him best of luck in his life.
Hannan Dewan is working as a Director (Sales) of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. He has joined at Shifat Steel in 2020 and continuing magnificently. He has more than 10 years of experience is the Steel Imports & exports sector. Here in Shifat Steel, the whole Sales related works are supervised by him.But He owns a certain company since 2013 named M/s Hansu Steel Company ,The company imports plain sheet & coil such as PPGI, GI, EGI, GA, CR, HR,ETP sheet & coil as well as and supplies to customer according to their demand.He continue imports these goods from Korea, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, America, he is a fully established businessman.He is working very professionally.
Mohammad Saiful Islam is working as an Accountant (Managar) since 2017 of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. He is working very professionally. He has lot of experience to maintain all kinds of company transaction local and overseas party . Daily transaction checking, cash book ,ledger check and sign, petty cash handling and cash book maintaining preparing monthly and annual revenue income statemant,preparing voucher and financial report,preparing monthly receiptes and payments accounts,monthly inter company transaction and balance reconciliation , He is really a good man. He is very honest and sincere. Company's supplier and our Bangladesh buyer also happy of his politely behavior and honesty. He always proved himself as real working profession by his work. His mind is very fresh.
Mr. Yousuf dewan is the Foreign Marketing Manager of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. He has traveled different countries. He also attends business conference & seminar as well as awarded in Bangladesh, South korea,Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, China, Japan,Russia ,Mexico,Thailand,USA.He has struggled a lot in his business career. He has a friendly relation with all steel factories in Korea. He is Bangladeshi by born & visits Bangladesh two or three times a month. He is Korean citizen and also the Director of WORLD STEEL CORPORATION in korea.Besides, SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. is the only one agent of WORLD STEEL CORPORATION in Bangladesh. Generally in his Visits he attends meetings & seminars and inspects exporting items and finally export to Korea. He has build up a friendly relation with SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD.
Md. Younus Hossain Rakib is the Marketing Manager of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD.Actually he is Bangladeshi by born but he is citizen of France. He maintains the business as france agent of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. He deals with European suppliers politely and makes business relation with them & then sends the goods to Bangladesh. Mr. Younus visits factory of all suppliers & inform SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD.With details of goods along with picture, list and other related information.
Rakib Hossain is the Manager (Business Development) in SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. He mainly looks after the administration, staff management, company management and other sector. He looks with the important clients of Bangladesh. He is very polite and sincere in client dealings and his all sorts of work.He has achieved huge reputation in his business career. He has traveled a lot of country. He has achieved a lot of experiences in his business life.
Md.Sazzad Hossain Bablu is working as a DEWAN STEEL SHEET CUTTING factory Incharge which is the sister concern company of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD.since 2017. He is very experience person in his work. He is also very honest and punctual person. He always proved himself as real working profession by his work.
Jihan is a Financial Manager of SHIFAT STEEL CO. LTD.and undertakes consultancy in financial management and business development. .but is currently based in SOUTH KOREA. Jihan provides a business opportunity link with the country Asia, Europe and medalist and continues to provide senior level financial advice at director level. Also he provides the local office to south Asia for hot offer of metal sheet and verities item. Bangladesh company of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. is so happy to his politely communication and behavior.
Abu Jafar has been working as an Excutive Officer (Senior) since 2017 of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. He is working very professionally. He has lot of experience.He deals with all the suppliers and corresponded about product package list, product quality etc.Company's supplier and our Bangladesh buyer also happy of his politely behaviour and honesty. He is really a good man.He is very hard working and active.He is very honest and sincere.
Masud Rana has been working as an Office Executive in SHIFAT STEELCO.LTD. Since 2017. He is very faithful person and attentive to his work. He supports all stuff and clients. He is responsible for office administration and management department. Management and all his colleagues are very pleased with his performance, behavior and personality.
Md.Khokon Mia as a Sales Manager in our Shifat Steel Co. Ltd since 2018. He is very hardworking and gentleman. He has maintain all kinds of product delivery and handelling transport. He has done by all kinds of product scale and cutting. We wish him in every step in his life.
Md.Jahangir Hossain is working as a Assistant Sales Manager in our Shifat Steel Co. Ltd.since 2018 He is very honest man.He has maintain all kinds product delivery and handelling labour.He has done all kinds of product scale and cutting.We would like to wish him in every moment in success.
Mintu Mia working as an Office Assistant of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD. since 2018.He maintain all kinds of paper and documents.Management and all his colleagues are very pleased with his performance,behavior and personality.He always proved himself as real working profession by his work.
Md. Shamsu Sheikh is working as a DEWAN STEEL SHEET CUTTING factory Craine Operator which is the sister concern company of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD.since 2021. He is very experience person in his work. He is also very honest and punctual person.
Md. Sohel is working as a DEWAN STEEL SHEET CUTTING factory Assistant Craine operator which is the sister concern company of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD.since 2021. He is very experience person in his work. He is also very honest and punctual person.
Md. Milon working as a Driver of SHIFAT STEEL CO LTD since 2018.He drives the car very smoothly and profetionally.He always proved himself as real driving profession by his drive.He is very honest and sincere.
Abdul Mazid Hawlader working as a Security guard of DEWAN STEEL SHEET CUTTING factory which is the sister concern company of SHIFAT STEEL CO.LTD.since 2021. He is very experience person in his work. He is also very honest and punctual person.